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Level 1

I have never been on skis before or have only had a taster lesson.

Level 2

I am able to control my speed by linking snowplough turns from the top of the small slope.

Level 3

I am able to control my speed by linking plough - parallel turns on the main slope and can ride the poma lift independently.

I have never been on a snowboard or have only had a taster lesson.

I am able to control my speed by side slipping on both my toe and heel edge and can move across the slope using a diagonal sideslip.

I am able to steer my board into and out of the fall line on both my toe and heel edge, using the falling leaf technique.

Level 4

I am able to match my skis to parallel by the fall line on every turn.

I am able to perform individual turns, toe to heel edge and heel to toe edge and I can ride the poma lift.

Level 5

I am able to link parallel turns consistently on the main slope, maintaining balance & speed.

I am able to link turns whilst maintaining balance and speed control.  I want to improve my performance for freestyle and steeper slopes.

Level 6

I am able to ski a variety of parallel turns at varying speed and radius. I want to improve my performance for steeper slopes and might be considering racing or freestyle.

Level 1


I have never been on skis before or have only had a taster lesson.


I have never been on snowboard before or have only had a taster lesson.

Level 2


I am able to control my speed by linking snowplough turns from the top of the small slope.


I am able to control my speed by side slipping on both my toe and heel edge and can move across the slope using a diagonal sideslip.

Level 3


I am able to control my speed by linking plough-parallel turns on the main slope and can ride the poma lift independently.


I am able to steer my board into and out of the fall line on both my toe and heel edge, using the falling leaf technique.

Level 4


I am able to match my skis to parallel by the fall line on every turn.


I am able to perform individual turns, toe to heel edge and heel to toe edge and I can ride the poma lift.

Level 5


I am able to link parallel turns consistently on the main slope, maintaining balance and speed control.


I am able to link turns whilst maintaining balance and speed control. I want to improve my performance for freestyle and steeper slopes.

Level 6


I am able to ski a variety of parallel turns at varying speed and radius. I want to improve my performance for steeper slopes and might be considering racing or freestyle.

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