Thank you to everyone who participated in our Open Weekend - we had a great response from our members and look forward to welcoming you back to lessons over the next few weeks. We have staggered the start of the lesson programme, throughout September, giving us space to welcome customers back slowly, allowing everyone to settle into the new regime! Group Lesson times are as follows - Weekend - 9.15 - 10.15 break & clean 10.45-11.45 break & clean 12.15 - 1.15 break & clean Weekday - Freestyle 5.45pm Groups 6.00 or 6.15pm break & clean 7.30pm - 8.30/9pm clean & close The following measures have been implemented to ensure the safest environment possible -
Customers are checked into lessons from the outside the front door, and advised on where meet their Instructor.
Reduced number of classes on the slopes.
A drive to keep classes to a maximum of 6 (not always possible)
Controlling numbers in the Ski Store to a maximum of 15, only customers requiring to be kitted out having access to the store.
Parents are asked to allow children to access the Ski Store independently, the less adults using the building, helps to keep numbers within the government guidelines.
Government guidelines are asking facilities to keep spectators to a minimum.
We are not suggesting parents don't enjoy watching their children in lessons, however can we please ask that you refrain from touching barriers, keep your distance from other parents and remain outside until such times as things change.
Masks must be worn inside the building by everyone age 12 years and above.
Equipment is cleaned after every use and stock is rotated when in use.
Helmets are sanitized and stored for a period of time before reusing.
The store room is fogged every night before close.
Please wear masks, keep your distance, wash hands and avoid using the building if possible. If we follow these guidelines, we are doing our best to keep staff and customers safe and enjoying our activities. Bar/Café The bar/café will remain closed until further notice, we are offering a take out service of hot/cold drinks, cakes/pastries, and from next weekend sandwiches/toasties. We will be using a track and trace system on entering the café, and customers are asked to order from behind the lines, and exit the café as soon as you have purchased your drinks. Once again we apologise for this inconvenience, this procedure allows us to control the numbers and avoid surfaces being touched unnecessarily. The café/bar will open as soon as we feel it's safe to do so, and we are in a position to manage such numbers inside the building. Don't miss out on booking the following - Master Class - Block 1 - 26th October 8.30 - 10pm Private Lessons - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sundays October Ski School - 12th - 16th October - **NOW OPEN TO NON-MEMBERS! Having completed two BASI Instructor courses, two First Aid Courses and Instructor Staff Training, we are ready to welcome our customers back to Skiing and Snowboarding. Picture below, Instructors Nicole Ritchie, Jacqui Graham, Kieran Nesbitt & Dave Whigham at Instructor revalidation course.